The final beard – The moustache

The moustache was meant to be several small metal plates that work like an expandable watch strap. This idea was quickly replaced with another one that was easier and faster to built. The first moustache that I built consisted of  2 metal plates that wold be fixed to the skull an connected to each other with an elastic strap of sorts. This concept had several real-world mistakes in it, which would make the beard not believable. The plates would not be able to move with the natural movement of the upper lip and would be very impractical. Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 13.42.59 Therefore a 4 plates system was suggested, with 2 plates being fixed to the skull and  2 plates rotating around screws that are on said fixed plates. In order to create 2 half circles that I could then cut out of the main mesh, I had to create the halfcircles first.

Screen Shot 2016-03-16 at 15.08.10 (2)So I cut a hole into a cylinder with a smaller cylinder by using a boolean operation. Then I used a cube that I scaled, to cut this shape out of the bigger cylinder. This allowed me to break up the cylinder which then will create a break in the half circle cut out. Finally I cut out the half circle shape out of the moustache plate by using a boolean operation again.

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