Level 3 Digital Media Project

It is week 3 already and I haven’t made a blog post about my Level 3 Digital media Project ideas, I was really rather busy , so I’ll catch up on that now.

My first idea was to work alone on a 3D animation, tackling the topic of Bullying. I looked a bit further into 3D animating in Cinema 4D, because my last assignment for Level 2 failed. I did pass and got a good grade, but that’s not enough for me. I came across animating problems that I couldn’t resolve, my objects didn’t move for a reason I still don’t know to this day. So I had to do my whole animation in 1 week in 2D and that just simply got quite messy and I was not satisfied with the result. My tutors kindly graded me on what I handed in, which was screenshots of my 3D work, a teeny-tiny animation sequence and my 2D animation and let me pass.
Back to the current year of study : I wanted to prove to myself and to my tutors that I could animate in 3D, so that’s why I wanted a 3D animation to be my 3rd year project. The first feedback I got for it was, that a simple animation is not high standard enough for a level 3 student, which I understand. So I thought about engaging the audience somehow, but couldn’t come up with anything good.
Then I was asked by a group of friends to be their 3D modeller for their short film ‘immort…’. It is a low key sci-fi story inspired by the greek myth of Sicyphus. If you want to read more about the progress of the script and the story of ‘immort…’ have a look at Jacob’s blog.
We got a new tutor for Digital Media this year, his name is Jon Holmes. He has a huge amount of knowledge in 3D modelling and is a huge fan of Blender, so I decided to switch from Cinema 4D to Blender, since Blender is free, easier to use and has hugely improved from the last time I used it. Since Week 2 I’ve been messing around in Blender to get to know how it works and what I can do in it. Nothing worth showing since I only followed tutorials so far, but I will post some of my creations in the weekend.